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搜尋: 文章作者: misuchiru10
版面: 本站公告 2014-09-27, 08:44
回覆: 10
查看: 332,030
作者 misuchiru10
I'm sorry to hear about the decision, 丁元 san, but I guess it's expected si...

I'm sorry to hear about the decision, 丁元 san, but I guess it's expected since it's much easier to share and interact on the Facebook group. I was hoping you would leave the site alive for the translations and memories, but I totally understand your decision. I just wish there would be an archive ...
版面: 歌迷討論 2012-09-22, 17:40
回覆: 8
查看: 7,164
作者 misuchiru10
You're probably referring to the "and I love you" PV?

You're probably referring to the "and I love you" PV?
版面: 歌迷討論 2012-06-17, 11:14
回覆: 10
查看: 12,312
作者 misuchiru10
Me too, Masa san. What do we need to do in order to get the password? =)

Me too, Masa san. What do we need to do in order to get the password? =)
版面: 歌迷討論 2012-05-30, 09:22
回覆: 10
查看: 12,312
作者 misuchiru10
You are a very good writer, Masa san. Please keep sharing these stories wi...

You are a very good writer, Masa san. Please keep sharing these stories with us. =)
版面: 歌迷討論 2012-01-28, 12:20
回覆: 41
查看: 20,264
作者 misuchiru10
Hi Masa san, Osaka is definitely an option for me but the problem is I thin...

Hi Masa san, Osaka is definitely an option for me but the problem is I think there's no direct flight from Toronto (where I live) to Osaka (there is direct flight to Tokyo). I should be travelling by myself for just a few days. I don't plan to stay in Japan for more than maybe 5 days. I am intere...
版面: 歌迷討論 2012-01-27, 01:59
回覆: 41
查看: 20,264
作者 misuchiru10
Hi Elise, can you let me know if you have extra tickets once you find out t...

Hi Elise, can you let me know if you have extra tickets once you find out the results from the draw? My preference would be either Osaka in April or Tokyo in May. Thanks!
版面: 網路好康與影片 2012-01-23, 10:56
回覆: 5
查看: 17,721
作者 misuchiru10
資生堂 CM 完全版 - Mr.Children「GIFT」

CM 資生堂マキアージュ トゥルールージュ 完全版

版面: 歌迷討論 2012-01-23, 10:50
回覆: 0
查看: 3,310
作者 misuchiru10
New Single + STADIUM TOUR 2011 DVD (4/18)

34th Single 2012.4.18 Release

「祈り ~涙の軌道 / End of the day / pieces」
trk1.祈り ~涙の軌道(東宝系映画『僕等がいた』前篇主題歌)
trk2.End of the day

¥1,200(tax in)
版面: 歌迷討論 2012-01-09, 10:04
回覆: 41
查看: 20,264
作者 misuchiru10

20周年真的很想去~ 有人想一起去吗?
我住在加拿大, 所以这次会是我第一次的小孩演唱会~
版面: 歌迷討論 2012-01-09, 09:45
回覆: 3
查看: 3,778
作者 misuchiru10
Mr.Children Tour POPSAURUS 2012 + BEST ALBUM

20th Anniversary Mr.Children BEST ALBUM 発売 &“POPSAURUS 2012”開催決定!

5月10日(木)にBEST ALBUM 「Mr.Children 2001-2005 <micro>」、「Mr.Children 2005-2010<macro>」を発売いたします。
また、Mr.Children POPSAURUS 2012の開催も決定いたしました。

-more information coming up-

版面: 網路好康與影片 2011-05-23, 04:53
回覆: 13
查看: 124,206
作者 misuchiru10
Sakurai san is truly a genius~ I admire him so much~ ^_^

Sakurai san is truly a genius~
I admire him so much~ ^_^
版面: 歌迷討論 2011-04-04, 09:03
回覆: 15
查看: 57,233
作者 misuchiru10
歌詞太感動了~ 謝謝mischilu~

版面: 歌迷討論 2011-03-17, 04:13
回覆: 19
查看: 53,072
作者 misuchiru10
how fitting is this song now~ Sakurai san saikou!!!

how fitting is this song now~ Sakurai san saikou!!!
版面: 歌迷討論 2011-03-16, 05:38
回覆: 19
查看: 53,072
作者 misuchiru10
thanks for the translation, Su-3 san~ ^_^

thanks for the translation, Su-3 san~ ^_^
版面: 歌迷討論 2011-03-13, 07:32
回覆: 16
查看: 52,176
作者 misuchiru10
thanks for the update, Masa san~ glad you are ok~ let's all pray for J...

thanks for the update, Masa san~
glad you are ok~
let's all pray for Japan, looking at all the photos and news footages make me so sad~
版面: 歌迷討論 2011-02-20, 10:24
回覆: 13
查看: 51,827
作者 misuchiru10
Tour 2011 SENSE Setlist


4.I'm talking about lovin'
版面: 精華區與常見問題檢索 2010-12-12, 09:02
回覆: 33
查看: 120,762
作者 misuchiru10
謝謝Masa san啊~ it's very helpful~

謝謝Masa san啊~
it's very helpful~
版面: 歌迷討論 2010-12-09, 06:19
回覆: 33
查看: 88,227
作者 misuchiru10
Gitai, HOWL, I'm talking about Lovin', Rosarita, Prelude, Ao~ ^_^

Gitai, HOWL, I'm talking about Lovin', Rosarita, Prelude, Ao~ ^_^
版面: 網路好康與影片 2010-11-18, 05:07
回覆: 6
查看: 5,759
作者 misuchiru10
新專輯新曲 ロックンロールは生きている


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1Lqpl8Rh3k (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPU1hE5TENM)

版面: 歌迷討論 2010-11-01, 15:47
回覆: 2
查看: 4,079
作者 misuchiru10
GOLDEN CIRCLE 2010 12月28日(火) 午後9:00~11:00 ...

12月28日(火) 午後9:00~11:00

版面: 歌迷討論 2010-10-08, 07:51
回覆: 25
查看: 14,523
作者 misuchiru10
希望小孩快出单曲啊~ 想看新live呢~ ^_^

希望小孩快出单曲啊~ 想看新live呢~ ^_^
版面: 歌迷討論 2010-10-07, 04:47
回覆: 25
查看: 14,523
作者 misuchiru10
已經加入~ ^_^ is this facebook group for sharing live performances only...

已經加入~ ^_^

is this facebook group for sharing live performances only, not the entire show like k san is sharing here, right?
版面: 歌迷討論 2010-09-29, 07:19
回覆: 10
查看: 7,652
作者 misuchiru10
謝謝k大喔~ 期待期待~ ^_^

謝謝k大喔~ 期待期待~ ^_^
版面: 網路好康與影片 2010-09-26, 07:03
回覆: 3
查看: 5,321
作者 misuchiru10
ap bank fes.10 - to U (Bank Band and Salyu)


版面: 歌迷討論 2010-09-19, 08:04
回覆: 10
查看: 7,652
作者 misuchiru10
looking forward to 久保田利伸 『LOVE RAIN 〜恋の雨〜 』~ the DVD will probably...

looking forward to 久保田利伸 『LOVE RAIN 〜恋の雨〜 』~
the DVD will probably have more different songs~ ^_^
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