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歌迷討論 歌迷有好康的CD可買、最新消息發佈

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舊 2005-02-08, 21:53   #1
註冊日期: 2002-09-13
文章: 62
感謝: 0
預設 kurumi的英文歌詞


tell me, walnut
What do you see looking at this city
How do I look to you now?

tell me, walnut
When I start to hear the sarcasm in someone's kindness
What am I to do?

Remembering only the good times
though it makes me feel like I've aged a sum
But you gotta be one of the gears
trying to get turning
You can have only as much despair as you have hope.
but still, my heart trembles at the thought of the future
'what's going to happen?'
I try to imagine.

tell me, walnut
If time will eventually wash it all away
then life must be a simple affair.

tell me, walnut
since then I haven't cried once
but, neither have I had many good laughs

Somewhere I did up the buttons wrong,
by the time I notice, there's one button leftover
and similarly one button hole, in need of a button
If you find meaning in finding someone then fine
you can have only as many partings
as you do encounters
still my heart trembles at the thought of hope.
everytime I encounter a crossroads
I'll fret over which way to go but...

Eventhough I want more than I have now
I sing for an unchanging love
that's what makes the gears turn
with the burden of more than I need,
making a dull grinding sound
you can have only as much despair as you do hope
and still my heart trembles
at the thought of the future
"what's going to happen?"
let's imagine
you can have only as many partings
as you do encounters
and still my heart trembles at the thought of hope
guess there's no turning back,
so I'll go on, to a road without you.
frankie71423 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2005-02-09, 13:05   #2
zorosana小婷 的頭像
註冊日期: 2003-05-13
文章: 550
感謝: 6
預設 Re: kurumi的英文歌詞

是外國 fans 翻譯的嗎????

不過.... walnut....真的翻成是胡桃...
我覺得照用 kurumi 會較好
zorosana小婷 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章



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