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歌迷討論 歌迷有好康的CD可買、最新消息發佈

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舊 2005-09-23, 00:32   #1
註冊日期: 2005-08-09
文章: 6
感謝: 0
預設 I Love U album mini review

I got my copy yesterday, the same day it was released in Japan. Very good album. Some of the songs were already released before (Sign, Mirai, and I love you, running high, and worlds end). Over all I give it 8.5 out of 10. They experimented with different ideas and different sounds. The album starts with songs on the Rock side and ends with 2 songs on the mellow or slow side. I kinda don't like that because you start very high and end low in away.

01.Worlds end (The PV was released not too long. Very good song in terms of lyrics and music. I really like it 9 out 10)
02.Monster (Strange song. Sakurai is kinda angry. They use a bit of techno and rock in this song. Reminds me of tenchou basu and #2601 I give it 10 out 10)
03.未来 [Mirai] (one of the best songs from this album. 10 out of 10)
04.僕らの音 [Bokurano oto] (nice lyrics and slow song. Typical sakurai creation 8 out 10)
05.and I love you (simply great song 10 out of 10)
06.靴ひも [Kutsuhimo] (another typical Mr.children song with good music and lyrics. 8 out 10)
07.CANDY (good song. Nothing exciting about it but not boring. 7 out of 10)
08.ランニングハイ (Good song with great music. 9 out of 10)
09.Sign (released 2 years ago and one of their best songs. 10 out of 10)
10.Door (This is an unusual song with faded music and it seems that he was singing on the street or on the beach. I like it because it is different 9 out of 10)
11.跳べ [Tobe] (Very nice song with good melody 8 out of 10)
12.隔たり [Hedatari] (very mellow song with heavy piano usage. Not the kind I like 5 out of 10)
13.潜水 [Sensui] (Nothing special here but nice melody at the end 7 out of 10)

Maybe I was expecting a bit more out of this album but it is very good. I hope you all will enjoy it.
andy 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2005-09-23, 00:47   #2
註冊日期: 2004-01-03
文章: 286
感謝: 7
預設 I Love U album mini review


toasty 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章



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