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搜尋: 文章作者: takeshi
版面: 歌迷討論 2008-09-25, 13:39
回覆: 17
查看: 6,521
作者 takeshi
Haha .. just want to know why MC's face won't always won't appear on the AL...

Haha .. just want to know why MC's face won't always won't appear on the ALBLUM?!!
版面: 歌迷討論 2008-09-19, 09:19
回覆: 19
查看: 7,621
作者 takeshi
I would say Hanabi MV..... straight + middle lengh hair & white shirt. ...

I would say Hanabi MV..... straight + middle lengh hair & white shirt.

so cool!
版面: 聊天打屁 2008-09-19, 09:11
回覆: 39
查看: 17,064
作者 takeshi
I also support "made in Japan", although they are really expensive. anyway,...

I also support "made in Japan", although they are really expensive.

anyway, mr children's products don't have HK'a or PRC's agent. It is quite fortune because quality can be sustained. :baku
版面: 聊天打屁 2008-09-18, 09:25
回覆: 39
查看: 17,064
作者 takeshi
~BOLERO~ beacause of the song "Tomorrow never knows".

~BOLERO~ beacause of the song "Tomorrow never knows".
版面: 聊天打屁 2008-09-18, 09:21
回覆: 20
查看: 10,209
作者 takeshi
in hong kong, fewer ppl knows Mr Children compare with in Taiwan. really s...

in hong kong, fewer ppl knows Mr Children compare with in Taiwan. really so poor!
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