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搜尋: 文章作者: cain1350
版面: 來台連署 2004-12-07, 01:25
回覆: 331
查看: 1,068,775
作者 cain1350
Re: Mr.Children來台連署

Your music is awesome and it has inspired me all the time!
And everytime I enjoy in it, I gain much more fun and feelings from it!
Although I just listen to your music few months ago,I still want to listen to your songs in live concerts very much!
Let people in Taiwan feel your passions for musi...
版面: 貼圖區 2004-11-27, 01:47
回覆: 3
查看: 6,972
作者 cain1350
Re: 如何擷取影片的圖?

謝謝你啊~ :uhun
版面: 貼圖區 2004-11-25, 02:19
回覆: 3
查看: 6,972
作者 cain1350

Print screen不能耶! :vcry
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所有時間均為台北時間。現在的時間是 09:16

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