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搜尋: 文章作者: musickgb
版面: 歌詞收錄 2009-12-09, 12:20
回覆: 30
查看: 215,859
作者 musickgb
this is the best!! holy cow!!!

this is the best!! holy cow!!!
版面: 歌迷討論 2007-07-22, 02:58
回覆: 11
查看: 6,984
作者 musickgb
Re:夾band HK

me too, pls add me and let's chat, i'm a big fan!
and i'm vocal (russ)

[email protected]
版面: 樂團討論 2007-02-11, 00:22
回覆: 18
查看: 22,152
作者 musickgb

I can be vocal too, and i've been playing their songs with my band years ago, but we disbanded and i love to play mr. children's songs again, and share ...
my email: [email protected]
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