版面: 歌迷討論
2005-09-30, 16:38
回覆: 58
查看: 23,677
Re: 未來 的PV
secret passage....wow....it's like a whole new world.....thanks thanks for sharign~
版面: 歌迷討論
2003-11-06, 00:22
回覆: 11
查看: 9,376
Re: 我最愛的MTV
since I am a new member, I just notice there was a 'great' FTP, it too bad the site got close, I really want to see their mv!! :vcry
So sad~~ :ase
版面: 歌迷討論
2003-10-25, 23:27
回覆: 11
查看: 9,376
Re: 我最愛的MTV
I love Mr. childern's song, but I have not able to find any of their mv, can you tell me where I can download their mv, thanks! :pori
Mr. Childern Rocks!!