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搜尋: 文章作者: kenshiro
版面: 歌迷討論 2008-03-08, 14:50
回覆: 21
查看: 8,556
作者 kenshiro
Happy Birthday, Sakurai san!

Happy Birthday, Sakurai san!
版面: 聊天打屁 2007-08-05, 13:10
回覆: 11
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作者 kenshiro
Re:8/4 大分・九石ドームセットリスト

Thank you 社長 san for sharing~ ^_^
Can't wait to hear Tabidachi no Uta ne~~
版面: 網路好康與影片 2006-08-28, 14:58
回覆: 1,333
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作者 kenshiro

Thank you so much! ^_^
版面: 網路好康與影片 2006-07-08, 03:52
回覆: 1,333
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作者 kenshiro

Thank you so much kazutoshi san!
版面: 聊天打屁 2006-07-07, 03:00
回覆: 2
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作者 kenshiro

May I ask who is 吉野公佳?
I assume he's related to Sakurai's wife Mika?
版面: 網路好康與影片 2006-06-20, 03:28
回覆: 1,333
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作者 kenshiro

Thank you so much for the new uploads kazutoshi san!!! I can't wait to watch the PV! ^_^
版面: 歌迷討論 2006-06-08, 03:33
回覆: 9
查看: 8,326
作者 kenshiro
Re:"分享" Golden Circle vol.05 2003.12.21 寺岡呼人 & 桜井和寿 & ゆず Live

Oh that's ok. Still thanks a lot. ^_^
Is this clip (and the other ones) .mpg or .avi files?
版面: 歌迷討論 2006-06-07, 08:43
回覆: 9
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作者 kenshiro
Re:"分享" Golden Circle vol.05 2003.12.21 寺岡呼人 & 桜井和寿 & ゆず Live

Actually do you have the entire Golden Circle vol.05 2003.12.21 concert? I would love to have that instead of each performance. ^_^
版面: 歌迷討論 2006-06-07, 08:42
回覆: 9
查看: 8,326
作者 kenshiro
Re:"分享" Golden Circle vol.05 2003.12.21 寺岡呼人 & 桜井和寿 & ゆず Live

Thank you so much! Do you have the first one in mpg format too?
版面: 網路好康與影片 2006-05-28, 11:57
回覆: 1,333
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作者 kenshiro
版面: 網路好康與影片 2006-05-28, 11:48
回覆: 1,333
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作者 kenshiro
版面: 網路好康與影片 2006-05-28, 11:48
回覆: 1,333
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作者 kenshiro
版面: 網路好康與影片 2006-05-28, 11:46
回覆: 1,333
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作者 kenshiro
版面: 網路好康與影片 2006-05-28, 11:41
回覆: 1,333
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作者 kenshiro
版面: 網路好康與影片 2006-05-28, 11:39
回覆: 1,333
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作者 kenshiro
版面: 歌迷討論 2006-04-27, 02:41
回覆: 18
查看: 16,802
作者 kenshiro
Re:Mr.Children new song!

When I first listened to the 60s preview I just thought the song was alright, nothing very special, but after I heard a couple more times I absolutely love the song now! I guess this is the magic of Mr.Children's music. I can't wait to hear the full version and I can't wait for them to release their...
版面: 歌迷討論 2006-04-22, 08:00
回覆: 18
查看: 16,802
作者 kenshiro
Mr.Children new song!


Mr.Children の新曲「箒星(ほうきぼし)」 ( 発売日未定 ) が TOYOTA 「トビラを開けよう」キャンペーンの CM ソングに決定致しました。 キャンペーン第1弾CMは「壁をトビラに変える」をテーマに、イタリア・セリアAからスコットランド・プレミアリーグに渡り活躍中のサッカー選手、中村俊輔氏が出演、 CM は 25日からオンエアされます。

Not new single, but at least we have a new song!
版面: 歌迷討論 2006-03-14, 06:09
回覆: 58
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作者 kenshiro
Mr.Children Dome Tour 2005 DVD!


2006.5.10 on sale!!
Can't wait! :dance
版面: 網路好康與影片 2006-03-14, 04:52
回覆: 1,333
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作者 kenshiro

Thank you so much for the HeyHeyHey performances! Would you be able to share with us misuchiru's Music Station performances next? hehe... =)

I also have one question: did misuchiru perform the song "Any" on TV before? I have not seen it.
版面: 網路好康與影片 2006-02-14, 04:10
回覆: 1,333
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作者 kenshiro

kazutoshi san, I sent you a private message. Hope you can check it and see if you can help. Thanks. :ask
版面: 網路好康與影片 2006-02-14, 03:53
回覆: 1,333
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作者 kenshiro

電視播多少,我就只能拿到多少,我自己也很想看 雨のち晴れ

Ah that's too bad. Thanks again for sharing the other lives. I love the RIJF2005 live. :dance
版面: 網路好康與影片 2006-02-13, 13:02
回覆: 1,333
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作者 kenshiro

Thanks so much for sharing, kazutoshi san! To those who can't downoad the SET STOCK file, the correct link should be http://orz.in/SETSTOCK05.avi =)

Just wondering for the HIGHER GROUND live, did misuchiru only performed Mirai? I read that they have also performed:
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