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搜尋: 文章作者: andy
版面: 歌迷討論 2005-09-23, 00:32
回覆: 1
查看: 3,968
作者 andy
I Love U album mini review

I got my copy yesterday, the same day it was released in Japan. Very good album. Some of the songs were already released before (Sign, Mirai, and I love you, running high, and worlds end). Over all I give it 8.5 out of 10. They experimented with different ideas and different sounds. The alb...
版面: 歌迷討論 2005-09-08, 00:13
回覆: 8
查看: 5,155
作者 andy
I ♥ U Album Track list and New PV

Sure. Here you go....

01.Worlds end
03.未来 (Mirai)
04.僕らの音 (Bokurano oto)
05.and I love you
06.靴ひも (Kutsuhimo)
08.ランニングハイ (Running High)
版面: 歌迷討論 2005-08-31, 22:10
回覆: 8
查看: 5,155
作者 andy
I ♥ U Album Track list and New PV

Here is the official track list for the new album. Also, a new PV for the song "Worlds end" will be released Sep 1st in Japan on few music shows.

01.Worlds end
05.and I love you
版面: 歌迷討論 2005-08-20, 00:56
回覆: 4
查看: 5,211
作者 andy
AP BANK FES 05 Report


unfortunately, I can't. Sometimes, I use online translation sites to translate articles and posts.
版面: 歌迷討論 2005-08-19, 23:25
回覆: 4
查看: 5,211
作者 andy
AP BANK FES 05 Report

Hi there,
I'm a Mr.children fan from San Francisco (USA). I'm new to this board and just wanted to share my wonderful experience at AP bank fes last month.
I went there for all 3 days and had a great time. The first day, I was in B5 block. No seats, just standing room. I was very c...
版面: 歌迷討論 2005-08-11, 02:16
回覆: 38
查看: 18,890
作者 andy

I just saw them live at AP BANK fes and they are awesome. I was there last year as well in Tokyo where they filmed the DVD.
I'm a huge fan from San Francisco (USA) and would recommend that you go, it is fantastic.
Make sure that you have tickets first because it is very hard to find one if you don...
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